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Maine News You May Have Missed

A historic bridge gets destroyed by fire, Maine students discover a new fish gene, a beaver-induced rock slide in Acadia, and more.


The Watson Settlement Bridge, spanning the Meduxnekeag River since 1911, was one of Maine’s nine remaining historic covered bridges until it was destroyed by fire this summer. Investigators ruled the blaze a case of arson.


Tammy Ramsey, a host at the Union Bluff Hotel, received $100 and an apology signed pseudonymously by “an embarrassed customer” who had sworn and stormed out after waiting longer than expected for a table. She split the tip with a coworker.

Bar Harbor

A section of Breakneck Road, a walking and biking path in Acadia National Park, was buried under thousands of pounds of rock when a six-foot-tall beaver dam just upstream from a waterfall collapsed, triggering a massive slide.


UMaine Farmington fish physiologist Timothy Breton and a team of students identified a previously undiscovered fish gene. Understanding of the gene has potential applications to biomedical research.


The state of Maine returned a 3.2-acre waterfront parcel to the Passamaquoddy tribe. The site, on Meddybemps Lake, has been an important part of tribal canoe routes for millennia.