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Where in Maine? Our Favorite Answer

Photo by Benjamin Williamson

Port Clyde

Each month, Down East editors select our favorite response to “Where in Maine?” Here is our favorite letter from April’s photo.

My husband brought me to Port Clyde on our honeymoon, in 1981. Five years later, we bought a fixer-upper a few miles up the road and moved in with our three-month-old daughter. She and her sister grew up swimming in the cold water at the local beach and clambering on the rocks, looking for crabs. Both tell of the time they took our skiff off the mooring without telling us, confident of their sailing skills. Thankfully, when they both fell overboard, they lived to tell the tale. Thirty-seven years later, our house is almost fixed and our young granddaughters visit to wade in the water and have ice cream. I am so thankful my daughters had the privilege of growing up here.

— Jan Letourneau, of Martinsville, Maine

November 2023 cover of Down East magazine

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